The Power of Manifestation


Last year I learned the power of manifestation. I literally spoke everything I accomplished into existence. It really sounds crazy when you think about it, but our voices and our spirits have legitimate power. We don’t realize how much power we have because we keep speaking negativity over our lives. So although I haven’t been super vocal about my goals this year, I have been spending the last couple of weeks tweaking and narrowing down my goals to create a picture of what I want to manifest for this year.

Its becoming increasingly important not to waste valuable energy on things that aren’t important because although I did everything I set out to do. I realized that those things weren’t significant and they hold no true value for me. So this year I’m practicing being intentional in my manifestation. In addition to that I’m setting them a few at time. So as of now, I have four to set out over the next two to four months.

  1. Become a certified teacher through Texas Teacher
  2. 700 Credit Score
  3. Increase Social Media Presence (business wise)
  4. Create Capsule wardrobe

Over the next few days, I’m going to do some deep cleaning and purging. I need to cleanse my space in order to have clarity as I’m manifesting. This particular detail isn’t important to everyone but it is important for me. So I will be donating clothes that the kids and I don’t wear. Getting rid of all old baby gear. Cleaning out closets and tossing out junk and old papers. I can’t have any distractions in my space.

So y’all talk to me, let me know what you’re working on and manifesting these days. What makes you feel powerful? How do you shake back when you feel drained?

How did we get here?

attachment parenting, Social Justice

So when I observe conservations about parenting, I find my peers regurgitating information passed down from our parents.

“Don’t hold the baby too much, you’ll spoil him”

“Don’t let that baby sleep with you, you’ll never get him out your bed”

“Stop being so soft, you need to show tough love and prepare them for the real world”

“Let that baby cry, he needs to learn independence”

Why are we in such a rush to create independent babies? Why are we prepping our children for a world we know doesn’t love them by being harsh at home? I often find myself stuck between our generation breaking generational curses, and passing down trauma. BUT how did we get here in the first place? Why are we so removed from our children that we normalize dysfunction.

We know for a fact that science says its important to hug and snuggle your babies as much as possible, so why do we push them away? I believe it starts with slavery, the lives of our ancestors consisted of constant turmoil and instability. Never really knowing when your child could be ripped from your arms, and knowing there was nothing you could do about it. So now we’re parenting in ways that would prepare us in the event that our children are viciously ripped from us. We’ve passed this down from generation to generation, and although we’ve made progress as a society we are struggling to adapt our parenting accordingly. Thus perpetuating the dysfunction we face in our community.

What if… instead of pushing our children out of the nest, we held them a little longer, snuggled them a little more, and comforted them more often? It’s nearly impossible to spoil black children in a world that will demonize them the first chance they get and cut them down at every opportunity there after. Imagine the confidence that would create? Our ancestors wrote the blue print for attachment parenting, yet we shun it because its “white people shit”. Put your baby in that baby carrier so she can be close to your heart, thats where they should be. We are creating emotionally secure and well adjusted babies by keeping them close to us and meeting their emotional needs.

It makes so much sense until you bring it up, then people are all “DON’T TELL ME HOW TO RAISE MY KIDS’, but complain about how people won’t allow the support of “The Village” anymore. But the village is for more than discipline, the village comes over to support new moms adjusting to parent life and learning to breastfeed. The village holds your baby when you need a moment for air. The village brings a meal over when you’re having a hard time.

If we want to go back to authentic village life we need to acknowledge our roots. Celebrating our children and loving these blessings we longed for, for so long. Uplifting them so when they leave home, nobody can break these babies spirits. Leaning into your village and requiring them to support you, in ways other than discipline.

I don’t know guys… this is just some late night rambling but I really want our babies to be successful and loved. Thats all I really want, lets stop trying to whoop the spirit out of our babies and letting them cry it out. Love your baby a little longer and hold them a little bit tighter. Make the world a better place for them. Forget being the peace for some man/woman and be a peaceful and soft place to land for your baby.